PMI Immigration


Untitled design (3)

Family unification is one of three focuses of Canada immigration program. Canada is committed to ensuring families are brought together. Are you a permanent resident or citizen of Canada and want your spouse, child (biological or adopted), common law partner, conjugal partner, parents, grand parents, siblings and relatives to join you in Canada? There are some criteria you need to meet in order to be eligible under this program. We can help guide you through the process to ensure you are unified with your love ones. 

Certain specific criteria apply to sponsoring Parents, grand parents, siblings and other relatives. Send us an email on our “contact us” page and we can evaluate your situation and advise you accordingly.

You have a child (biological or adopted) you want to bring to Canada? We can help! 

Do you want your spouse, common law partner or conjugal partner to join you in Canada? We can help!